Local Version Information

The local version information you specify in this panel, tells the game patcher where to look on the user’s computer for the version information. This same information will be used to update the version information post-patch too.

Registry Update

The registry is a vital component of the Windows operating system. If you create a base installer for your game which your user downloads initially to install the game, then you can setup these initial registry entries using an installer. The patcher will then simply look to the registry for the version information. So your initial base version should be 1 or less.

Registry Root
First choose from the ROOT Registry Key.
Your options are:


Please note some Registry roots require administrator elevation on your patcher to write to. We recommend your base installer and patch registry read/writes use CURRENT_USER as the root key for easy access.

You can view more on the Registry config at the official Microsoft website here.

Registry Key
Next up is the Registry Key. This is the address in the registry to access your registry information. Typically, you would install to SOFTWARE\My Company

Inside this box, remember to have NO trail at the start and NO trail at the end.

Registry String
Finally, you have the String. This is the name of the String inside the Registry Root/Key that the patcher should read/write to/from for the update version number.

File Update

Selecting this option allows you to update a file that is local to the patcher. This should be a text file and only contain your version number in one of the correct formats allowed.

This should be the name of the local text file to read/write the version number to/from.

INI Update

You can use this option to update a local INI file that holds the version information.

This should be the filename of the local INI file. You can use subdirectories (ie: data\version.ini) or use terminal/command like syntax to go back up a directory (ie: ./)

Group Name
This should be your Group Name (without the brackets). Typically you would use Version.

Item Name
This should be the Item name used in the INI group to read/write the Version number from/to.


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