Command Line Interface CLI Patch Builder

You can instruct the patch builder yourself, completely evading the use of the GPC editor to build patches. You would have to send all the appropriate command line syntax in order to properly build a successful patch. This is only available for Pro and Ultra licenses.

You MUST ensure all your paths end with the proceeding trail \ Example: C:\myFolder\

Available Commandline Switches

Here is the list of available command line switches for the builder. None of these are optional, you will need to specify them all, in any order.

Hide Build Window /W<value>

You can hide the build process by using the /W switch with either a 0 (zero) or 1 (one).

Example: /W1 (show build window)

Build Input Folder /G<path>

You should send the input folder to scan over for your patch files. It should contain no space between the flag and the path. If your path contains spaces in any of the folder names, you will need to wrap it in ” ” speech marks.

Example without spaces


Example with spaces

“/GC:\my game\”

Build Output Folder /O<path>

You should send the path to the output folder where the renamed patch files will go once scanned over. These are the files to be uploaded. As above, you should use speech marks if the syntax contains spaces anywhere.

If this folder does not exist, you don’t need to create it. The builder will automatically try and create this output folder for you.

Patch Log and Version Folder /P<path>

You should specify the path to the patch log and version output folder. This will export the patch file list and version file to. If this folder doesn’t exist, the builder will automatically try and create it.

Example: /Pc:\output\

Project Name /N<name>

You should specify the project name here, the same as your project name inside your GPC project. You can find this name when you open your project in GPC, it will be above the menu (underneath the project logo). If it contains spaces, you must wrap in ” ” speech marks.

Example: /Nmypatcher

Patch File Name /B<filename>

You should specify the output patch file list name here. You should use the one specified inside your GPC project. If it’s a single version patcher, use your single patch file list name, if it’s multiple versions, you should use the multiple patch file list name.

Patch File Name /E<extension>

You should specify the custom extension output here. By default, gppc is used. This extension must match the custom extension used inside your GPC project.

Example: /Egppc

Online Salt URL /L<url>

You should specify here the absolute URL to your salt file online.

Example: /L

Build Version Number /V<versionnumber>

You should specify the version number as a string here. This is the version number for this build.

Example: /V1.1.2 (would build version 1.1.2)

Debugging Problems

If you experience any issues with using command line for the builder, you should consult the build patch log. Each build generates a patch log output which will show you the entire build process from start to finish. If you experience any difficulties, you can read through this log to see what went wrong and where.

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